If you provide or employ a payroll service for more than 20 or more employees, you can report through Single Touch Payroll (STP)-enabled software from 1 July 2018, or when your software is ready.
Payroll Outsourcing providers will need to be a registered tax or BAS agent and be linked to their clients in the ATO system in order to lodge clients’ STP reports. This includes payroll service providers and payroll bureaus.
Payroll services include:
processing payroll on behalf of the employer
performing any payroll related functions that involve interpreting legislation and assisting employers to calculate their pay as you go (PAYG) withholding and super guarantee liability.
STP reports lodged by anyone providing a payroll service on behalf of a client without a Registered Agent Number (RAN) disclosed and a relationship to the employer will fail.
For details on a STP compliant and ATO regsitered payroll outsourcing service, visit www.payrollhq.com.au or email Andre Atton at andre@payrollhq.com.au